
Gun Time versus Chip Time

Gun Time - Also known as clock time, this Is the official time taken for all runners to cross the starting “gun" sounds, the race begins for everyone, regardless of their position in the starting chute. For example, if you take 30 seconds to cross the starting line, that adds a 30-second delay to your time. As a result, most large races don't use gun time for age group awards, except for determining overall winners. 

Chip Time - Chip time, or net time, measures an individual's performance more precisely. It starts when timing equipment detects the tag as it crosses the start and finish lines. Therefore, if you take 30 seconds to cross the start line, you won’t be penalized. Your time begins upon reaching the start.

Awards Distribution

Awards will be given to males and females as follows:
Category availability varies per event. See the “Courses” page for a complete list of available categories per event.

  • Overall Invitational (Gun Time)
    Top 3 Finishers (Race Winners)

  • Overall Handcycle (Gun Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Overall Wheelchair (Gun Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Overall Para (Gun Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Overall Masters, 40-49 Years Young (Chip Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Overall Grand Masters, 50+ Years Young (Chip Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Age Group (Chip Time)
    Top Finisher

  • Age Group (Chip Time)
    Top 3 finishers per the following age groups:
    Under 20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70 & Over

  • Guardians constist of Police, EMS, Fire, Military (Chip Time)
    Top 3 Finishers